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The Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Book)
3085 A Scriptural Rosary (Booklet)
B3096The Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God (booklet)
B3251 Passing the Torch (Booklet)
Collaboration of Men and Women (Bklt) #3094
Bl Alexandrina: A Living Miracle (Bklt) #B3258
Teresita: Her Secret Was Mary (bklt) #B3089
Heroic Catholics of the 20th Century (Bklt) #B3088
St. Bakhita (Booklet) #B3020
B3083 Viva Cristo Rey!
Woman of Faith/Life of Edel Quinn (Bklt) #B3019
B0129 Princess of the Unborn/Angela Baird
Infant Homicides...Contraceptives (Booklet) #0272
B3229 An Open Letter to My Brother Priests (booklet)
The Incredible Shrinking Person (Booklet) #B0141
B0276 Christ at the Bedside (Booklet)
Stem Cells: The Hope, The Hype... (Bklt) #B0137
B0135 Prolife Stations of the Cross (Booklet)
0275 Baby Margaret Mary
B3256 Thanksgiving After Communion (Booklet)