We received this lovely letter yesterday, and wanted to share the exciting news with you:

To whom it may concern, My name is Aisling Redican. I am Coordinator of Communications and Fundraising for Xavier Society for the Blind here in New York City. Since 1900, Xavier Society for the Blind has been providing free braille and audio books to blind and visually impaired people worldwide in order for them to learn about, develop, and practice their Catholic faith. I am writing to let you know that Heroic Catholics of the Twentieth Century was transcribed into braille and is available in our library. If you could let Sister Elizabeth Ann Barkett know that would be great. I am attaching a picture of the book (alongside the print version for scale!). We shared this on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feed, please feel free to do so as well. If you need any more information, or know of anyone in need of our services, please do not hesitate to reach out. We have hundreds of books available in braille and audio and serve clients of all ages and faiths worldwide, from North Macedonia to South Africa. We are trying to serve more people in new and innovative ways during these challenging times. Although XSB has been around for 121 years, we often hear we are a best kept secret, and that is something we are trying to change. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, To learn more about the Aisling Redican book, click here.
Xavier Society for the Blind 248 West 35th Street Suite 1502 New York, NY 10001 xaviersocietyfortheblind.org